Have you sampled these 3 types of cannabis extracts? Ever wondered what dabs are? Get the low down on these three types of cannabis extracts and concentrates. [interaction id=”574d4bb9eac5f7343b40bd63″] What are Dabs, concentrates, extracts. Whatever you want to call them, a new breed of high-powered cannabis products are gaining momentum …
NZ weed prices: Are you getting ripped off?
New Zealand’s anti-marijuana stance negatively impacts consumers – both recreational and medicinal – in a number of different ways. In addition to an absence of quality control and the criminalisation of patients who rely on weed to cope with their health conditions, a lack of regulation in the country’s cannabis …
The average age of cannabis users, might surprise you
Seniors outsmoking the youth when it comes to medical marijuana use If medicinal cannabis were to be legalised in New Zealand, which demographic do you think would be the quickest to nip into the local dispensary? You could be forgiven for thinking that cannabis consumption would skyrocket amongst 18-24 year …
Weed: The great economic equaliser
The economic disparity between the haves and the have nots continues to grow in many parts of the world, but there is one thing that promises to bring these two groups closer together: Weed. Why are investors finally seeing potential in the legal weed industry? Perhaps understandably, investors have been …
What are the benefits of vaporising cannabis?
While the use of cannabis may not be directly related to lung cancer, the fact remains that smoking any substance is ultimately harmful to your body. As the American Lung Association explained, marijuana smoke contains a number of carcinogens, toxins and irritants also found in tobacco smoke. This can potentially …
Support is growing in New Zealand for medical marijuana, recreational still a pipe dream
It’s no great secret that New Zealand has a special affinity for weed. More than 4 in 10 (42 per cent) Kiwis over the age of 15 have smoked cannabis at least once in their lives, according to figures collated by the Ministry of Health in its 2012/13 survey. Understanding …
Can you eat weed?
Looking for a healthier alternative to smoking? Interested in exploring an intense and more psychedelic high? Want to combine your passion for baking with your love for weed? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then you might want to consider cannabis edibles. Here are a few questions …
What are the societal benefits of regulating NZ’s weed industry?
In any market, a lack of regulation can result in vendors behaving unethically in order to maximise their profits – often at the expense of consumers. This is doubly true in black markets such as New Zealand’s cannabis trade, where there are no laws in place to protect the health …